Travel with Daphne!

“With courage and imagination, she learned to balance the wheel she couldn’t turn around.”

Blogging about Long Covid, and fighting my way through finding my way to heal, drained my energy. Changing my energy from feeling stuck and seeing only one way out into a joyful life with possibilities was hard and so worth it.
At the start of 2022, I set myself the goal to change, no matter what healing would enhance. Open-minded about traveling this road with courage and faith, with a feeling of certainty that I attract what is meant to be for me.

My stories about grief, frustration, hope, and magical ways to cope and find meaning again give insight into my life events that might seem traumatic and, most of all, have been a catalyst for growth. Feel welcome to read them. With gained knowledge, I like to inspire you, especially the chronically ill and their caretakers. Maybe even doctors and professionals to show them another viewpoint.

I started writing while I was ill and still have to learn so much about writing; it gives me new purpose and meaning in life. Feedback and comments are welcome; they stimulate and inspire me to keep writing and creating.

Travel with me, Love!

Mastering Long Covid
mastering Long Covid

Travel with me, Love!

Travel with me, Love!

Daphne Mutter
Creative artist in bending reality in life by reimagining and rewriting her narrative.
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Travel private!