On this page you find some free screensavers to give you or a loved one a moment to smile. I made some funny screensavers, because I know a Long Covid Christmas can be overwhelming and lonely.
This year I am looking forward to getting a tree and decorating it together with my daughter. In the past years, I doubted if I put up a tree because I simply didn’t have the energy and overview to do so. It is simply too much when having trouble doing daily chores and cooking. With help, I managed but I didn’t enjoy it because I was overwhelming my nervous system.
Decorating is a moment I like to fully enjoy, which means I need to give up some basics. More rest, more help with my household, no appointments, less or no cooking. A year ago I still tried to do all those things and wondered why things didn’t work out. I learned to widen my reference window which is way different from before I got infected with Covid-19. It is one of the most difficult things I needed to get adjusted to.
With tiny steps, I am learning to know myself all over again and making more healthy adjustments in life. One of those adjustments is finding ways to change my state through laughter and exitement, which is challenging. Something I used to find in activities and sports, which are no-go’s having Long Covid. Last week I discovered there is something that makes me happy to do and I am able to do it when my head is all foggy and I feel like sleeping with my eyes wide open. Creating images randomly, funny ones that made me laugh. For me, a joyful experience on an emotional level, which has an impact on my health because it provides me joy in life while taking the rest I need.
Sharing them for free in the form of screensavers gives me back my purpose in life. Living with Long Covid is hard and it is wonderful when my screensaver puts a smile on your face when you are unlocking your phone. Have fun using them! Are you looking for a special Christmas gift to support a loved one in coping with lasting symptoms after a virus infection, my artwork is also available on TWML.redbubble.com, click on the pictures you like to directly visit these amazing gifts.